# Changelog/Release Notes On this page we provide a summary of the main API changes, new features and examples for each release of Ratel. (main)= ## Current `main` branch ### New features - Enabled discontinuous spaces with the command line option `-pressure_petscdualspace_lagrance_continuity 0` and similar. - Add mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in current configuration. - Add Kershaw mesh transformation for unit box mesh. - Add Weierstrass mms for BPs problems. - Add `-ts_monitor_*_interval` options to all custom `-ts_monitor_*` routines to limit output frequency. - Add block preconditioner for mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in initial configuration. - Add support for computing surface forces and centroids within a sub-region of a face label via `-surface_force_face_[facename]_bounding_box`. - Add block preconditioner for mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in current configuration. - Enabled discontinuous non-tensor space for pressure in mixed problem. - Add mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in initial configuration with perturbed Lagrange-multiplier method. - Add support for storing computed surface forces for each face in a separate file via `-ts_monitor_surface_force_per_face ascii:[base filename].csv` - Add block preconditioner for mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in initial configuration with perturbed Lagrange-multiplier method. - Add penalty method based platens - Add block preconditioner for mixed Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models in current configuration with perturbed Lagrange-multiplier method. - Support `PCBJacobi`, `PCPBJacobi`, and `PCVPBJacobi` for `MATCEED`. - Add preliminary MPM implementation, with material point integration, mesh-to-point and point-to-mesh projection, and libCEED BPs at points. - Add `elasticity-mpm-neo-hookean-current` material which allows for storing material properties and density at material points. - Add sinker example for MPM Neo-Hookean material to compare against FEM implementation. - Add `DMSNESSetObjective` for static/quasistatic problems with objective functional to use `snes_linesearch_type bt`. - Add support for flexible pressure boundary conditions. - Add support for fieldsplit preconditioner MPM and tested with mixed-linear example. - Automatically append to CSV monitoring files from prior runs when a restart file is provided with `-continue_file`. - Add explicit flag for Coulomb friction model via `-bc_platen_[platen_name]_friction_type coulomb`. - Add Threlfall regularized friction model via `-bc_platen_[platen_name]_friction_type threlfall`. - Add support for viscous damping friction via `-bc_platen_[platen_name]_friction_viscous [non-negative real]`. - Add Neo-Hookean damage model in initial/current configuration. - Add linear poroelastic material model. - Add block preconditioner for linear poroelastic model. - Add support for fully incompressible (nu=0.5) in mixed models. - Add MPM Neo-Hookean hyperelasticity with phase-field damage model: `elasticity-mpm-neo-hookean-damage-current` - Add basic mesh remapping for MPM - Add support for slip, dirichlet, and MMS bounaries to be active field (displacement or pressure) specific - Add support for computing Jacobians and Hessians from strain energy density functional in the residual and jacobian evaluations via Automatic Differentiation with ADOL-C. ### Internal - Add `PetscFECreateLagrangeFromOptions` for more flexible control over `PetscFE` creation. - Refactor MMS support for maintainability and to allow runtime options. - Rename `RatelModelType` to `RatelMethodType` as FEM and MPM will use the same `CeedQFunction` source. - Rename `RatelComputeMaxValues` to `RatelComputeMaxSolutionValues`. - Add `RatelViewMaxDiagnosticValuesByNameFromOptions` for viewing the max diagnostic component value by names. - Replace `RatelCeedOperatorApplyContext` with `CeedEvaluator` that mirrors `MatCEED` for nonlinear or general purpose operators. - Add `RatelCeedSetupSurfaceQData` for computing surface Qdata in traction boundary condition. - Refactor common parameters for friction models into `RatelFrictionParams` and add common interface for friction models. - Fix mass density calculations in diagnostic computations. Mass density is now correctly computed as rho / J. - `RatelCeedAddBoundariesDirichletMMS` now supports MMS boundaries for multiple fields with varying numbers of components (ex. displacement and pressure fields). - Refactored post-run verification into separate `RatelView*ErrorFromOptions` functions, which read `-*_rtol` and `-*_atol` values from the command-line to check expected values. ### Breaking changes - Deprecate `-bc_platen_[platen_name]_f` option for enabling friction, replaced by `-bc_platen_[platen_name]_friction` sub-options. (v0-3-0)= ## v0.3.0 (1 November 2023) ### New features - Update strain energy function to the convex form for both Neo-Hookean and Mooney-Rivlin models. - Add mixed linear elasticity and Neo-Hookean hyperelastic models for incompressible materials. - Add linear plasticity with linear hardening model for small strains. - Add pressure boundary loading which is caused by liquids or gases on the surface of the solid structure. - Add flexible clamp, slip, traction, and platen boundary conditions with more complex time variance during a quasistatic or dynamic simulation. - Add robust surface force and surface centroid monitoring options. - Add command-line validation options for maximum displacement and per-face centroids and surface forces. - Add isochoric Ogden hyperelastic model in initial configuration. - Add mixed Ogden hyperelastic model in initial configuration. - Add isochoric Neo-Hookean model in initial configuration. - Add Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model in current configuration. - Add Coulomb friction capabilities to platen contact boundary conditions. - Add isochoric Mooney-Rivlin model in initial configuration. - Add CEED benchmark problems 1, 2, 3, and 4 for convergence testing and benchmarking. - Add Kelvin-Mandel notation pack and unpack to symmetric tensors functions. - Setup dynamic solver for mixed linear elastic and hyperelastic models. - Add isochoric Neo-Hookean model in current configuration. - Add density-dependent user-specified body forces which can be specified globally or on a per-material basis. - Add isochoric Ogden hyperelastic model in current configuration. - Add RatelCreateSubmatrix function to create Matshell block preconditioner for mixed-FEM. - Enable pMG preconditioning for the displacement block of mixed-FEM models. - Add isochoric Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model in current configuration. ### Breaking changes - Rename `Ratel[TS,SNES,KSP]SetupPCMG` to `Ratel[TS,SNES,KSP]SetupPC` for better accuracy. - Rename `RatelSolverType`, `RatelMultigridType`, and some function names for consistency. - Refactor p-multigrid support as registered PETSc `PC`; this change generated various API and command line option changes. - Rename material parameter contexts as follows: - `RatelLinearElasticityParams` - `NeoHookeanPhysics` to `RatelNeoHookeanElasticityParams` (alias of `RatelLinearElasticityParams`) - `MooneyRivlinPhysics` to `MooneyRivlinElastictictyParams` - Remove material-specific platen contexts - Rename cell-to-face surface force functions to be suffixed with `CellToFace` and `-ts_monitor_surface_force` to `-ts_monitor_surface_force_cell_to_face` to prevent accidental usage - Rename reaction force functions `*ReactionForce*` to `*SurfaceForce*` and `-ts_monitor_reaction_force` to`-ts_monitor_surface_force` - Deprecate `-ts_monitor_reaction_force` - Remove `RATEL_FORCING_CONSTANT` and associated CLI options `-forcing constant` and `-forcing_vec` See the `Using Ratel` section for the updated command line options. ### Maintainability - Fixes to QFunctions and documentation for clarity and consistency. - Separate `MatCeed` logic for maintainability and future upstreaming to PETSc. ### Performance - Updates to setup to reduce setup time. - Updates to local vector usage to reduce memory footprint. (v0-2-0)= ## V0.2.1 (12 January 2023) Bugfix to make tet based tests optional in the test suite. ## V0.2.0 (10 January 2023) Expanded features and material models. ### New features - Add `RatelComputeSurfaceForces` for computing final forces on surfaces, identified by DMPlex face id number. - Add support for computing Jacobians from strain energy density functional from residual evaluation via Automatic Differentiation with Enzyme-AD. Neo-Hookean material models provided in current and initial configuration. - Add support for platen boundary condition based upon Nitsche's method. - Add support for restart from saved binaries of state vectors. ### Breaking changes - Update names and command line arguments for material models for consistency. - Use PETSc option `options_file` over redundant `yml` option in tests and examples; removed `options_yml` argument from `RatelInit`. - Docker images built and tested as part of CI process for latest `main`. - Update Boolean arguments `-view_diagnostic_quantities` and `-ts_monitor_diagnostic_quantities` to use viewer type. - Remove command line option `-output_dir`; this functionality is provided with setting the output filepath for the viewer via `-view_diagnostic_quantities` and `-ts_monitor_diagnostic_quantities`. - Remove `RatelVectorView` in favor of base PETSc functionality. ### Maintainability - Internal refactor around `RatelMaterial`, an object representing a region of the mesh given by a material model with consistent physical parameters. External behavior was not affected by this refactor. (v0-1-2)= ## v0.1.2 (15 April 2022) Bugfix for install paths in makefile. (v0-1-1)= ## v0.1.1 (14 April 2022) Bugfix for Mass QFunction source file relative path. (v0-1)= ## v0.1 (11 April 2022) Initial Ratel API. The Ratel solid mechanics library is based upon libCEED and PETSc. libCEED v0.10.1 or later and PETSc v3.17 or later is required.