Boundary Conditions

These functions add boundary terms to the residual evaluation.

enum RatelBoundaryType

Specify boundary condition.



Dirichlet clamped boundary.


Dirichlet MMS boundary.


Neumann traction boundary,.


Platen boundary integral.

enum RatelFrictionType

Specify friction model.



No friction.


Coulomb friction model.


Threlfall friction model.

enum RatelBCInterpolationType

Specify interpolation type for flexible boundary condition.



No interpolation, piecewise constant.


Linear interpolation.

enum RatelPlatenType

Specify platen type.


typedef PetscErrorCode RatelBCFunction(PetscInt, PetscReal, const PetscReal*, PetscInt, PetscScalar*, void*)

Function signature for BC function to set on DMPlex face.

int MMSBCs_CEED_ScalarBPs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for CEED scalar BPs.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelMMSCEEDBPsParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSBCs_CEED_VectorBPs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for CEED vector BPs.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelMMSCEEDBPsParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int ClampBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet (clamp) boundary values.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCClampParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int SetupDirichletBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Setup coordinate and scaling data for Dirichlet boundary.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - nodal coordinates

    • 1 - nodal multiplicity

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

CeedInt RatelBCInterpGetPreviousKnotIndex(CeedScalar t, CeedInt num_knots, const CeedScalar *knots)

Compute the index j \in [0, num_knots] such that knots[j] <= t < knots[j+1].

If t < knots[0], returns -1.

  • t[in] Current time

  • num_knots[in] Number of knots

  • knots[in] Values of knots


A scalar value: the index of the previous knot

CeedScalar RatelBCInterpScaleTime(CeedScalar t, CeedInt prev_knot_index, CeedInt num_knots, const CeedScalar *knots)

Compute rescaled time between knots, \(s \in [0,1)\).

If 0 <= prev_knot_index < num_knots-1, returns s = (t - knots[prev_knot_index]) / (knots[prev_knot_index + 1]). If t is before the first knot, i.e. prev_knot_index == -1, implicitly inserts a knot at time 0 and returns s = t / knots[0]. If t is past the final knot, returns s = 1. If t > knots[num_knots - 1], returns points[num_knots - 1].

  • t[in] Current time

  • prev_knot_index[in] Index of last knot

  • num_knots[in] Number of knots

  • knots[in] Values of knots


A scalar value: the rescaled time between knots

int RatelBCInterpolate(RatelBCInterpolationType type, CeedScalar t, CeedInt prev_knot_index, CeedInt num_knots, const CeedScalar *knots, CeedInt point_dim, const CeedScalar *points, CeedScalar *out_point)

Compute the interpolated value between the given points and knots.

For t > knots[num_knots-1], returns points[num_knots-1].

  • type[in] If type is

    • RATEL_BC_INTERP_NONE - returns the point corresponding to the first knot after time t.

    • RATEL_BC_INTERP_LINEAR - returns the result of linearly interpolating between adjacent points.

  • t[in] Current time

  • prev_knot_index[in] Index of last knot

  • num_knots[in] Number of knots

  • knots[in] Values of knots

  • point_dim[in] Dimension of coordinates

  • points[in] Coordinates of knots

  • out_point[out] Interpolated value


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

void FrictionCoulomb(const RatelFrictionParams *friction, const CeedScalar force_T[3], const CeedScalar force_n, CeedScalar traction[3])

Compute friction traction using Coulomb model.

The Coulomb friction model is given by

\[ F = \begin{cases} F_C \ \sgn(\bm v_t), & \text{if } \|\bm v_t\| > 0, \\ \min(F_C, \|\bm \sigma_t\|) \sgn(\bm \sigma_t), & \text{if } \|\bm v_t\| = 0, \end{cases} \]
where \( F_C = -\mu_k \sigma_n \) is the Coulomb friction force, \( \mu_k \) is the kinetic friction coefficient, \( \bm v_t \) is the tangential velocity, and \( \bm \sigma_t \) is the tangential force. See RatelVecSignum() for the definition of \( \sgn(\cdot) \).

The Coulomb model is replaced by the following non-smooth operator for the Nitsche method:

\[ F = -\min(\max(0, -\mu_k (\sigma_n + \gamma g(\bm u)), \|\bm \sigma_t - \gamma \bm v_t\|) \sgn(\bm \sigma_t - \gamma \bm v_t), \]
where \( \gamma \) is the penalty parameter, \( g(\bm u) \) is the gap function, and \( \bm u \) is the displacement.


If force_n is non-negative, set traction to zero. Otherwise, clamp magnitude of traction to be less than or equal to -f * force_n


Uses RatelFrictionParams::kinetic_coefficient as \( \mu_k \).

  • friction[in] Friction parameters

  • force_T[in] Tangential force

  • force_n[in] Normal force, possibly positive if Nitsche method is used

  • traction[out] Computed traction force


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

void FrictionCoulomb_fwd(const RatelFrictionParams *friction, const CeedScalar force_T[3], const CeedScalar dforce_T[3], const CeedScalar force_n, const CeedScalar dforce_n, CeedScalar dtraction[3])

Compute the linearization of the friction traction using Coulomb model.


Uses RatelFrictionParams::kinetic_coefficient as \( \mu_k \).

  • friction[in] Friction parameters

  • force_T[in] Tangential force on contact surface

  • dforce_T[in] Linearization of tangential force on contact surface

  • force_n[in] Normal force on contact surface

  • dforce_n[in] Linearization of normal force on contact surface

  • dtraction[out] Linearization of the computed friction traction


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

void FrictionThrelfall(const RatelFrictionParams *friction, const CeedScalar tangent_velocity[3], const CeedScalar force_n, CeedScalar traction[3])

Compute friction traction using Threlfall model.

The Threlfall model is given by

\[ F = \begin{cases} F_C \left(\frac{1 - \exp\left(\frac{-3 ||\bm v_t||}{v_0}\right)}{1 - \exp(-3)}\right) \sgn(\bm v_t), & \text{if } ||\bm v_t|| \leq v_0, \\ F_C \ \sgn(\bm v_t), & \text{otherwise}, \end{cases} \]
where \( F_C = -\mu_k (\hat\sigma_n) \) is the Coulomb friction force, \( \bm v_t \) is the tangential velocity, \( v_0 \) is the tolerance velocity, and \( \mu_k \) is the kinetic friction coefficient. See RatelVecSignum() for the definition of \( \sgn(\cdot) \).

  • friction[in] Friction parameters

  • tangent_velocity[in] Velocity in the tangent plane to the contact surface

  • force_n[in] Normal force, possibly positive if Nitsche method is used

  • traction[out] Computed friction traction force


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

void FrictionThrelfall_fwd(const RatelFrictionParams *friction, const CeedScalar velocity_T[3], const CeedScalar dvelocity_T[3], const CeedScalar force_n, const CeedScalar dforce_n, CeedScalar dtraction[3])

Compute the derivative of the friction traction using Threlfall model.

  • friction[in] Friction parameters

  • velocity_T[in] Tangential velocity

  • dvelocity_T[in] Linearization of tangential velocity

  • force_n[in] Normal force

  • dforce_n[in] Linearization of normal force

  • dtraction[out] Linearization of the computed friction traction


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSBCs_Linear(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for linear elasticity MMS.

Uses an MMS adapted from doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2019.106175

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSBCs_MixedLinear(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for linear elasticity MMS.

Uses an MMS adapted from doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2019.106175

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PlatenBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, RatelComputef1 compute_f1, bool has_state_values, bool has_stored_values, CeedInt num_active_field_eval_modes, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the surface integral of the platen contact boundary condition.

Updated to support initial gap using

In the frictionless case, compute

(f1_gamma < 0) ? (f1_gamma * n_platen * (w detNb)) : 0
  • f1_gamma = f1_n + gamma*gap

  • f1_n = (f1·n_platen)·n_platen is the contact pressure between the surface and platen

  • gap = (X + u - C)·n_platen is the gap between the surface and the platen in the current configuration

For linear elasticity f1 = sigma, where sigma is Cauchy stress tensor. For hyperelastic in initial configuration f1 = P, where P is First Piola Kirchhoff stress. For hyperelastic in current configuration f1 = tau, where tau is Kirchhoff stress.

For the frictional case, see the theory section of the documentation

  • ctx[in] QFunction platen, holding RatelBCPlatenParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • compute_f1[in] Function to compute f1

  • has_state_values[in] Boolean flag indicating model state values in residual evaluation

  • has_stored_values[in] Boolean flag indicating model stores values in residual evaluation

  • num_active_field_eval_modes[in] Number of active field evaluation modes

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - qdata

    • input_data_offset - u

    • input_data_offset + 1 - du/dt (or u in static case)

    • input_data_offset + 2 - quadrature point coordinates

  • out[out] Output array

    • output_data_offset - action of QFunction on u

    • output_data_offset + - stored f1_n + gamma*gap and f1_gamma_T - gamma*(du/dt)_T


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PlatenBCs_Jacobian(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, RatelComputef1_fwd compute_df1, bool has_state_values, bool has_stored_values, CeedInt num_active_field_eval_modes, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the incremental traction due to platen contact boundary condition.

In the frictionless case compute

(f1_gamma < 0) ? ((df1_N + gamma * du_N) * n_platen * (w detNb)) : 0
  • df1_N = (df1·n_platen)·n_platen is the incremental surface force away from platen.

  • du_N = du·n_platen is the incremental displacement away from platen.

For linear elasticity df1 = dsigma. For hyperelastic in initial configuration df1 = dP. For hyperelastic in current configuration df1 = dtau - tau * grad_du^T.

For the frictional case, see the theory section of the documentation

  • ctx[in] QFunction platen, holding RatelBCPlatenParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • compute_df1[in] Function to compute f1

  • has_state_values[in] Boolean flag indicating model state values in residual evaluation

  • has_stored_values[in] Boolean flag indicating model stores values in residual evaluation

  • num_active_field_eval_modes[in] Number of active fields

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - qdata

    • input_data_offset - du, incremental change to u

    • input_data_offset + 1 - stored values from residual

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - action of QFunction


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int SetupPenaltyPlatens(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute geometric factors for integration, gradient transformations, and coordinate transformations on element faces.

Reference (parent) 2D coordinates are given by X and physical (current) 3D coordinates are given by x. The change of coordinate matrix is given bydxdX_{i,j} = dx_i/dX_j (indicial notation) [3 * 2].

(N_1, N_2, N_3) is given by the cross product of the columns of dxdX_{i,j}.

detNb is the magnitude of (N_1, N_2, N_3).

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - Jacobian of face coordinates

    • 1 - quadrature weights

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - qdata, w, detNb, and N


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PlatenPenaltyBCs(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the surface integral for penalty method based contact on the constrained faces.

In the frictionless case, compute

(gap < 0) ? (w detNb) * gap / epsilon * N : 0
where epsilon = sqrt(detNb) / platen->gamma is the penalty parameter

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCPlatenParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - quadrature data

    • 1 - u

    • 2 - du/dt (or u in static case)

    • 3 - quadrature point coordinates

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - v

    • 1 - stored values from residual


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PlatenPenaltyBCsJacobian(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the Jacobian of the surface integral for penalty method based contact on the constrained faces.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCPlatenParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - quadrature data

    • 1 - incremental change in u

    • 2 - stored values from residual

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - action of QFunction on du


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSBCs_PoroElasticityLinear_u(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for linear poroelasticity MMS.

Uses an MMS adapted from doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2019.106175

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values (size of 3)


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSBCs_PoroElasticityLinear_p(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet MMS boundary values for linear poroelasticity MMS.

Uses an MMS adapted from doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2019.106175

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored coordinates

    • 1 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values (size of 1)


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PressureBCs(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the surface integral for pressure on the constrained faces.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCPressureParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - gradient of coordinates

    • 1 - quadrature weights

    • 2 - gradient of u with respect to reference coordinates

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - \int v^T . (pn) ds


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int PressureBCsJacobian(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute the Jacobian of the surface integral for pressure on the constrained faces.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCPressureParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - gradient of coordinates

    • 1 - quadrature weights

    • 2 - gradient of incremental change in u

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - action of QFunction on dug


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int SetupSlipBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Setup scaling data for Dirichlet (clamp) boundary.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, unused

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - nodal multiplicity

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - stored multiplicity scaling factor


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int SlipBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute Dirichlet (slip) boundary values.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCSlipParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - stored multiplicity scaling factor

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - Dirichlet values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int TractionBCs(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute surface integral of the traction vector on the constrained faces.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCTractionParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - surface qdata

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - v = t * (w detNb)


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int TractionEnergy(void *ctx, CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute external energy cause by the traction vector on the constrained faces.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelBCTractionParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - surface qdata

    • 1 - displacement u

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - traction energy u t * (w detNb)


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSError_MixedLinear(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute error from true solution for mixed linear elasticity MMS.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelLinearElasticityParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - qdata

    • 1 - quadrature point coordinates

    • 2 - computed solution, displacement field

    • 3 - computed solution, pressure field

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - error from true solution, displacement field

    • 0 - error from true solution, pressure field


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

int MMSError_PoroElasticityLinear(void *ctx, const CeedInt Q, const CeedScalar *const *in, CeedScalar *const *out)

Compute error from true solution for mixed linear poroelasticity MMS.

  • ctx[in] QFunction context, holding RatelMMSPoroElasticityLinearParams

  • Q[in] Number of quadrature points

  • in[in] Input arrays

    • 0 - qdata

    • 1 - quadrature point coordinates

    • 2 - computed solution, displacement field

    • 3 - computed solution, pressure field

  • out[out] Output array

    • 0 - error from true solution, displacement field

    • 1 - error from true solution, pressure field


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelCreateBCLabel(DM dm, const char name[])

Create boundary label.

Not collective across MPI processes.

  • dm[inout] DM to add boundary label

  • name[in] Name for new boundary label


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelDMAddBoundariesDirichlet(Ratel ratel, DM dm)

Add Dirichlet boundary conditions to DM.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[out] DM to update with Dirichlet boundaries


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelDMAddBoundariesSlip(Ratel ratel, DM dm)

Add Dirichlet slip boundaries to DM.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[out] DM to update with dirichlet slip boundaries


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundarySlipDataFromOptions(Ratel ratel, PetscInt i, PetscInt j, RatelBCSlipParams *params_slip)

Read slip boundary conditions from options database.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • i[in] Field index

  • j[in] Boundary index

  • params_slip[out] Data structure to store slip data

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesDirichletSlip(Ratel ratel, DM dm, PetscBool incremental, CeedOperator op_dirichlet)

Add Dirichlet slip boundary conditions to Dirichlet boundary condition operator.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for Dirichlet boundaries

  • incremental[in] Set up operator to incrementally apply slip boundary conditions

  • op_dirichlet[out] Composite Dirichlet CeedOperator to add sub-operators to


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesDirichletMMS(Ratel ratel, DM dm, CeedOperator op_dirichlet)

Add Dirichlet MMS boundary conditions to Dirichlet boundary condition operator.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for MMS boundaries

  • op_dirichlet[out] Composite Dirichlet CeedOperator to add sub-operators to


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundaryClampDataFromOptions(Ratel ratel, PetscInt i, PetscInt j, RatelBCClampParams *params_clamp)

Read Dirichlet boundary conditions from options database.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • i[in] Field index

  • j[in] Boundary index

  • params_clamp[out] Data structure to store clamp data

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesDirichletClamp(Ratel ratel, DM dm, PetscBool incremental, CeedOperator op_dirichlet)

Add Dirichlet clamp boundary conditions to Dirichlet boundary condition operator.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for Dirichlet boundaries

  • incremental[in] Set up operator to incrementally apply slip boundary conditions

  • op_dirichlet[out] Composite Dirichlet CeedOperator to add sub-operators to


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundaryTractionDataFromOptions(Ratel ratel, PetscInt i, RatelBCTractionParams *params_traction)

Read traction boundary conditions from options database.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • i[in] Boundary index

  • params_traction[out] Data structure to store traction data

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedSetupSurfaceQData(Ratel ratel, DM dm, const char *label_name, PetscInt label_value, CeedElemRestriction *restriction, CeedVector *q_data)

Compute CeedOperator surface QData.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for Neumann boundaries

  • label_name[in] DMPlex label name for surface

  • label_value[in] DMPlex label value for surface

  • restriction[out] CeedElemRestriction for QData

  • q_data[out] CeedVector holding QData


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesNeumann(Ratel ratel, DM dm, CeedOperator op_residual)

Add Neumann boundary conditions to residual operator.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for Neumann boundaries

  • op_residual[out] Composite residual u term CeedOperator to add Neumann sub-operators


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelSetupTractionEnergySuboperator(Ratel ratel, DM dm_energy, CeedOperator op_external_energy)

Add traction energy to energy operator.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm_energy[in] DM for strain energy computation

  • op_external_energy[out] Composite external energy CeedOperator to add traction energy sub-operators


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelSetupSurfaceForceCentroids(Ratel ratel, DM dm)

Setup surface force face centroid computation.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM with surface force faces


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static PetscErrorCode RatelMaterialPlatenContextRegisterFields(RatelMaterial material, CeedQFunctionContext ctx)

Register material specific fields for platen boundary conditions CeedQFunctionContext

Not collective across MPI processes.

  • material[in] RatelMaterial to setup platen context

  • ctx[inout] CeedQFunctionContext for platen


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static PetscErrorCode RatelCeedPlatenContextCreate(RatelMaterial material, const RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon *params_platen, CeedQFunctionContext *ctx)

Create libCEED CeedQFunctionContext for platen boundary conditions.

Not collective across MPI processes.


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelFrictionParamsView(Ratel ratel, const RatelFrictionParams *params_friction, PetscViewer viewer)

Print friction parameters to a viewer.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • params_friction[in] RatelFrictionParams to print

  • viewer[inout] PetscViewer to print to


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static PetscErrorCode RatelFrictionParamsCheck_Coulomb(Ratel ratel, RatelFrictionParams *params_friction)

Check Coulomb friction parameters.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • params_friction[in] Friction parameters to check


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static PetscErrorCode RatelFrictionParamsCheck_Threlfall(Ratel ratel, RatelFrictionParams *params_friction)

Check Threlfall friction parameters.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • params_friction[in] Friction parameters to check


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelFrictionParamsFromOptions(Ratel ratel, const char option_prefix[], RatelFrictionParams *params_friction)

Set friction parameters from command line options.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • option_prefix[in] Prefix string for command line options

  • params_friction[out] RatelFrictionParams to set


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundaryPlatenParamsCommonView(Ratel ratel, const RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon *params_platen, PetscViewer viewer)

Print platen boundary condition parameters to a viewer.

Collective across MPI processes.


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundaryPlatenParamsCommonFromOptions(Ratel ratel, const char options_prefix[], RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon *params_platen)

Read platen boundary condition parameters from options.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • options_prefix[in] Prefix string for command line options

  • params_platen[out] RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon to set from options, must be allocated


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static PetscErrorCode RatelMaterialPlatenContextCreate(RatelMaterial material, const char *platen_name, PetscInt face_id, PetscInt face_orientation, PetscInt name_index, CeedQFunctionContext *ctx)

Process command line options for platen boundary conditions.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • material[in] RatelMaterial to setup platen context

  • platen_name[in] const char * name of platen

  • face_id[in] DMPlex face domain id

  • face_orientation[in] DMPlex face domain stratum value

  • name_index[in] Index of platen in name array

  • ctx[out] CeedQFunctionContext for platen


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelMaterialCeedAddBoundariesPlatenNitsche(RatelMaterial material, CeedVector u_dot_loc, CeedOperator op_residual, CeedOperator op_jacobian)

Add platen contact boundary conditions to the residual u term and Jacobian operators.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • material[in] RatelMaterial context

  • u_dot_loc[in] CeedVector for passive input velocity field

  • op_residual[out] Composite residual u term CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial sub-operator

  • op_jacobian[out] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial sub-operator


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelMaterialSetupPlatenNitscheJacobianMultigridLevel(RatelMaterial material, DM dm_level, CeedVector m_loc, CeedOperator sub_op_jacobian_fine, CeedOperator op_jacobian_coarse, CeedOperator op_prolong, CeedOperator op_restrict)

Setup multigrid level suboperator for RatelMaterial platen boundary conditions Jacobian.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • material[in] RatelMaterial context

  • dm_level[in] DMPlex for multigrid level to setup

  • m_loc[in] CeedVector holding multiplicity

  • sub_op_jacobian_fine[in] Fine grid Jacobian CeedOperator

  • op_jacobian_coarse[inout] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators

  • op_prolong[inout] Composite prolongation CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators, unused but needed for compatable function signature

  • op_restrict[inout] Composite restriction CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators, unused but needed for compatable function signature


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesPlatenPenalty(Ratel ratel, DM dm, CeedVector u_dot_loc, CeedOperator op_residual, CeedOperator op_jacobian)

Add platen penalty boundary conditions to the residual u term and Jacobian operators.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for pressure boundaries

  • u_dot_loc[in] Local CeedVector for time derivative of u

  • op_residual[out] Composite residual u term CeedOperator to add platen sub-operators

  • op_jacobian[out] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add platen sub-operators


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelMaterialSetupPlatenPenaltyJacobianMultigridLevel(RatelMaterial material, DM dm_level, CeedVector m_loc, CeedOperator sub_op_jacobian_fine, CeedOperator op_jacobian_coarse, CeedOperator op_prolong, CeedOperator op_restrict)

Setup multigrid level suboperator for RatelMaterial platen penalty boundary conditions Jacobian.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • material[in] RatelMaterial context

  • dm_level[in] DMPlex for multigrid level to setup

  • m_loc[in] CeedVector holding multiplicity

  • sub_op_jacobian_fine[in] Fine grid Jacobian CeedOperator

  • op_jacobian_coarse[inout] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators

  • op_prolong[inout] Composite prolongation CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators, unused but needed for compatable function signature

  • op_restrict[inout] Composite restriction CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators, unused but needed for compatable function signature


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundaryPressureDataFromOptions(Ratel ratel, PetscInt i, RatelBCPressureParams *params_pressure)

Read pressure boundary conditions from options database.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • i[in] Boundary index

  • params_pressure[out] Data structure to store pressure data

PetscErrorCode RatelCeedAddBoundariesPressure(Ratel ratel, DM dm, CeedOperator op_residual, CeedOperator op_jacobian)

Add pressure boundary conditions to residual and Jacobian operators.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm[in] DM to use for pressure boundaries

  • op_residual[out] Composite residual u term CeedOperator to add pressure sub-operators

  • op_jacobian[out] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add pressure sub-operators


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelSetupPressureJacobianMultigridLevel(Ratel ratel, DM dm_level, CeedVector m_loc, CeedOperator op_jacobian_fine, CeedOperator op_jacobian_coarse)

Setup multigrid level suboperators for RatelMaterial pressure boundary conditions Jacobian.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • dm_level[in] DMPlex for multigrid level to setup

  • m_loc[in] CeedVector holding multiplicity

  • op_jacobian_fine[in] Fine grid Jacobian CeedOperator

  • op_jacobian_coarse[inout] Composite Jacobian CeedOperator to add RatelMaterial suboperators


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelBoundingBoxParamsFromOptions(Ratel ratel, const char option_prefix[], const char name[], RatelBoundingBoxParams *bounding_box)

Read bounding box from options.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • option_prefix[in] Prefix for options

  • name[in] Name of face

  • bounding_box[out] Output bounding box


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

PetscErrorCode RatelFaceLabelValueFromOptions(Ratel ratel, const char option_prefix[], const char name[], PetscInt *label_value)

Read label value from options.

Collective across MPI processes.

  • ratel[in] Ratel context

  • option_prefix[in] Prefix for options

  • name[in] Name of face

  • label_value[out] Label value read from options


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure


Maximum interpolation nodes for boundary conditions.

FLOPS_FrictionCoulomb (1 + FLOPS_VecSignum + 3 * (2))
FLOPS_FrictionCoulomb_fwd (2 + 3 * (5) + FLOPS_VecSignum_fwd)
FLOPS_FrictionThrelfall (1 + FLOPS_VecSignum + 7 + 2 + 3 * (7))
FLOPS_FrictionThrelfall_fwd (2 + FLOPS_VecSignum_fwd + FLOPS_Dot3 + 7 + 9 + 3 * (3 + 4))
FLOPS_Platen_without_df1 (7 * FLOPS_Dot3 + 64)
FLOPS_Jacobian_PlatenPenaltyBC (3 * FLOPS_Dot3 + FLOPS_Norm3 + 57)
FLOPS_Jacobian_PressureBC 30
struct RatelBCClampParams
#include <boundary.h>

Clamp boundary condition context.

Public Members

CeedScalar translation[4 * RATEL_MAX_BC_INTERP_POINTS]

Translation vectors.

CeedScalar rotation_axis[4 * RATEL_MAX_BC_INTERP_POINTS]

Rotation axes.

CeedScalar rotation_polynomial[2 * RATEL_MAX_BC_INTERP_POINTS]

Rotation polynomial coefficients.


Transition times.

CeedInt num_times

Number of transition times.

RatelBCInterpolationType interpolation_type

Type of interpolation between points.

CeedInt num_comp

Number of components in field.

CeedScalar time

Current solver time.

CeedScalar dt

Current solver time step.

struct RatelBCSlipParams
#include <boundary.h>

Slip boundary condition context.

Public Members

CeedScalar translation[4 * RATEL_MAX_BC_INTERP_POINTS]

Translation vectors.


Transition times.

CeedInt num_times

Number of transition times.

RatelBCInterpolationType interpolation_type

Type of interpolation between points.

CeedInt components[4]

Components to constrain.

CeedInt num_comp_slip

Number of constrained components.

CeedInt num_comp

Number of components in field.

CeedScalar time

Current solver time.

CeedScalar dt

Current solver time step.

struct RatelBCTractionParams
#include <boundary.h>

Traction boundary condition context.

Public Members

CeedScalar direction[3 * RATEL_MAX_BC_INTERP_POINTS]

Traction vector.


Transition times.

CeedInt num_times

Number of transition times.

RatelBCInterpolationType interpolation_type

Type of interpolation between points.

CeedScalar time

Current solver time.

struct RatelBCPressureParams
#include <boundary.h>

Pressure boundary condition context.

Public Members




Transition times.

CeedInt num_times

Number of transition times.

RatelBCInterpolationType interpolation_type

Type of interpolation between points.

CeedScalar time

Current solver time.

struct RatelBoundingBoxParams
#include <bounding-box.h>
struct RatelFrictionParams
#include <friction.h>

Friction parameters for all friction models, some of which may be unused in a specific model.

Public Members

RatelFrictionType model

Friction model.

CeedScalar static_coefficient

Static coefficient of friction.

CeedScalar kinetic_coefficient

Kinetic coefficient of friction, assumed to equal the static coefficient for some models.

CeedScalar viscous_coefficient

Viscous damping coefficient, Ns/m.

CeedScalar tolerance_velocity

Tolerance velocity, m/s.

struct RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon
#include <platen.h>

Common Platen BC data.

Public Members

CeedScalar normal[3]

Exterior normal for platen.

CeedScalar center[3]

Center of the platen.


Displacement of the platen along normal vector.


Transition times.

CeedInt num_times

Number of transition times.

RatelBCInterpolationType interpolation_type

Type of interpolation between points.

CeedScalar gamma

Nitsche’s method parameter.

RatelFrictionParams friction

Friction parameters.

CeedInt face_id

DM face id.

CeedInt face_domain_value

DM face orientation.

CeedInt name_index

Index for platen name lookup.

struct RatelBCPlatenParams
#include <platen.h>

Platen BC data, including material data.

Public Members

RatelBCPlatenParamsCommon platen

Common platen data.

CeedScalar time

Current solver time.

CeedScalar material[RATEL_MAX_MATERIAL_SIZE]

Material data.